Autism Coach

  • ✴️Coaching: Empowering parents with effective strategies and support to navigate the challenges of raising a child on the autism spectrum.
    ✴️Workshops for Educators: Equipping educators with the knowledge and tools to create inclusive and supportive environments for children with special needs.
    ✴️Public Speaking Engagements: Sharing insights and expertise on autism and special needs to promote awareness and understanding.Contact me;

    Phone: +234 810 409 4954


See the details of my services here.

Liviing Outside The Box Logo

A Nigerian Stay at home + homeschooling Mama. A Life coach whose mission is to help other SAHMs & Homeschooling Mamas bloom where they are.


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Phone:(+234) 8032xxxxxxx Email:contact@livingoutsidethebox.ocm
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