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How To Freeze Plantain (Video)

About Plantain

Plantain belongs to the family of banana fruit, but unlike its family member, it can’t be eaten raw because of its starchy composition which can be quite high when it is unripe. Ripened plantain on the other hand has a mildly sweet taste which makes it a natural sweetener for meals like beans and yam porridge when sweetness is desired.

In Nigeria, we love to eat our plantain as a fried (dodo), grilled (boli), or boiled food. Unripe plantain can also be dried then blend into flour to make a solid meal popularly known as okele (swallow). It is mostly eaten in this form by people on the Keto diet, diabetic patients, and healthy meal enthusiasts. However, I have to mention that Nigerians favorite way to eat plantain is to fry it, especially when paired with jollof rice!

In fact, plantains are as versatile as potatoes!


When I started exploring gluten-free meal ideas for my family, I was excited to discover that plantain not only meets up but it is highly nutritious. Plantains are rich in complex carbohydrates and easily digestible.

They also contain vitamins and minerals, however, it is important to note that plantains are a poor source of proteins and fat.

Studies have also shown that plantains can help in weight management because they keep you fuller. They are also high in antioxidants and are good for your heart.

Can You Freeze Plantain?

This question came to my mind too some time ago, but when I checked online, I found very limited answers and decided to experiment myself. I am happy to share with you that indeed, you can freeze plantains without losing out on their deliciousness and nutrition.

In the video below, I explained why you need to freeze plantains and how to go about doing that.

I hope you find it helpful.