
Meet Aziizah

An ardent storyteller at heart, I am driven by a deep passion for supporting individuals with autism, championing the cause of homeschooling, and embracing personal growth.

My professional background initially led me to the legal field, where I was admitted to the Nigerian bar over a decade ago. However, the transformative experience of becoming a mother reshaped my path and ignited a profound change within me.

Committed to continuous self-improvement across all facets of my life, be it as an individual, a devoted wife, a nurturing mother, or an aspiring entrepreneur, I embarked on a transformative journey five years ago. This voyage of self-betterment is ongoing, shaping and molding me into a more empowered and enlightened version of myself.

As a passionate advocate for homeschooling and a firm believer in individualized learning and holistic education, particularly during a child’s formative years, I strive to inspire and empower families on their educational journeys. Simultaneously, my personal experience as an autism mother has provided me with invaluable insights, prompting me to unlearn and relearn, fostering a lifestyle that embraces living outside conventional boundaries (within the boundaries of my Lord).

In addition to my diverse roles, I am an avid lover of books, a seeker of solace in nature (despite limited access), a curious DIY enthusiast, and an introverted soul.

Through this platform, my aim is to establish connections and educate others on matters concerning autism and homeschooling.

Presently, I am the sole manager of this space, with hopeful aspirations of expanding to include like-minded women who share my passion, by the will of Allah.

I find great inspiration in the wise words of sister Khadijah Abdus Sabur, who emphasized the transformative power of whole, healed, and spiritually connected Muslim women in healing our families, supporting our Ummah, and uplifting the world. These sentiments echo the profound saying:

“If you educate a man, you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a family (nation).”

Additionally, Ibn al-Qayyim’s insight that women comprise half of the Ummah and give birth to the other half reinforces the concept that women are the essence of the entire Ummah.

These quotes serve as reminders of the immense power we hold as women within our homes and communities. When we embark on a journey of healing, and nurturing a healthy mindset, the ripple effects can be felt for generations to come.

It is my heartfelt prayer that you find benefit and inspiration on this shared journey, by the will of Allah.

Yours sincerely,



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A Nigerian Stay at home + homeschooling Mama. A Life coach whose mission is to help other SAHMs & Homeschooling Mamas bloom where they are.


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