Homeschool One on One Coaching Session

Homeschooling provides families with the unique opportunity to personalize education and nurture their children’s individual growth. In addition to being exciting, embarking on this journey can be overwhelming as well. That’s where my dedicated homeschool one-to-one coaching services come in. New homeschoolers, parents with children on the autism spectrum who wish to homeschool, and struggling homeschoolers seeking clarity and guidance can all benefit from my support. Discover how my coaching services can empower and guide your homeschooling journey.

  • Maybe you just decided to homeschool after researching the benefits of homeschooling.
  • Maybe you have been homeschooling for a while but are currently burnt out from the day-to-day running of your homeschool.
  • Maybe you feel overwhelmed with curriculum options and planning.
  • Maybe your Differently Abled child (Autism, Dyslexia, etc) is struggling in the mainstream education environment and you will like to give homeschooling a trial.

If you fall into any of the above-listed points, then you have come to the right place!

Allow me to introduce myself as Aziizah, a Nigerian-born homeschooling mother based in Nigeria for the past four years and counting. My personal journey into homeschooling commenced with my son’s autism diagnosis, which prompted me to take charge of his education. Witnessing his struggles within the mainstream school system, I resolved to cease being a passive observer and become an active advocate for his well-being. Consequently, I made the decision to homeschool both of my children.

Although I diligently researched online and sought guidance from YouTube videos, my initial steps into homeschooling were fraught with uncertainty. Implementing a traditional school-at-home approach resulted in frustration and tears for both myself and my child. Additionally, I quickly realized that homeschooling a child on the autism spectrum presented unique challenges, unlike anything I had encountered before.

After two years of attempting to navigate homeschooling on my own, I recognized the need for external support. This realization marked the beginning of my personal investment in self-improvement through coaching, enrolling in educational courses, and actively participating in exceptional homeschooling communities. Looking back, I can confidently affirm that the returns on my investments have far exceeded my initial expectations

Based on my experiences and knowledge gained so far, I can help you with:

  • Understanding the nitty gritty of homeschooling.
  • Demystifying the process of homeschooling your Differently Abled child or children.
  • Finding clarity if you are feeling stuck.
  • How to choose curriculum and plan your homeschool.
  • Time Management.


4 Weeks one-on-one Coaching program for new homeschoolers.

Starting a homeschooling journey can be a difficult task for families who are unfamiliar with this type of education. This coaching package is intended to smooth the transition and provide new homeschoolers with the skills and knowledge they need to lay a strong foundation. I will guide you through;

  • Different homeschool methodologies.
  • Deschooling process.
  • Writing your homeschool vision and mission.
  • How to choose a curriculum.
  • How to plan your homeschool.
  • Discuss practical methods for creating a welcoming learning environment at home.
  • You will be added to a homeschool support group on Telegram for ongoing support and encouragement.
  • Etc

4 Weeks one-on-one Coaching Program for Parents of Autistic children

Homeschooling provides a flexible and personalized learning environment, making it a great choice for parents of autistic children. This coaching package is specially created to assist parents of children with autism who decide to homeschool their children. I will;

  • Assist you in understanding the special educational demands placed on autistic children and offer techniques for meeting those demands while homeschooling.
  • Work together with you to develop an individualized education plan (IEP) that includes therapeutic interventions, specialized resources, and accommodations specifically designed to meet your child’s needs.
  • Share helpful resources and top tips for incorporating sensory breaks, social skill building, and other autism-specific activities into your daily homeschool schedule.
  • Provide emotional support and direction to assist you in navigating the difficulties and celebrating the victories throughout your homeschooling journey.
  • Add you to homeschool and autism parenting support groups on Telegram for ongoing support and encouragement.

1-hour homeschool Coaching call for clarity and support.

It can be challenging to homeschool, leaving parents feeling overwhelmed or uncertain. The clarity coaching sessions last one hour and address specific struggles the client may be having. During these sessions, I will;

  • Listen and help Identify your concerns, challenges, and goals.
  • Provide strategies and resources to address specific academic, organizational, or motivational challenges.
  • Offer advice on time management, curriculum adjustments, and creating effective routines.


One hour is allotted for each coaching session, providing plenty of time for in-depth conversation and direction. My goal is to provide you with the essential tools and steadfast support to enable your own growth, independent planning, and learning rather than giving your kids a rigid checklist or a strict daily curriculum.

You will be asked to fill out a pre-session form before our coaching session in order to make the most of it. This will help me better understand your unique needs and build a closer relationship with you. In addition, I will provide you with pertinent knowledge and useful resources outside of our sessions by way of instructive links, enhancing the educational journey of your family.

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A Nigerian Stay at home + homeschooling Mama. A Life coach whose mission is to help other SAHMs & Homeschooling Mamas bloom where they are.


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