
5 Simple Self-care Tips for the Stressed-out Homeschooling Mama

As homeschooling Mums, many of us spend a great deal of time with our children, dealing with house chores, and sibling squabbles, then we add homeschooling into the mix; lesson planning, facilitating, and supervising our children’s learning journey.

Now imagine doing all of these with little or no support system, it will definitely be overwhelming.

Yes, we love that we get to do all that. However, we can’t also deny that such an amount of daily obligations and interaction can lead to burnout and resentment for any Mum, not to talk of one with the additional responsibility of educating her children. So when we don’t prioritize filling our own cup, we end up getting frustrated and lashing out at our loved ones.

Self-care enables us to show up fully in our homeschool.

Aside from the physical obligations that can stress out a homeschooling Mama, it is also crucial to identify the things that can trigger stress mentally such as:

– Comparison/Ungratefulness
– Unrealistic expectations
– Unresolved conflict

Contrary to what is being popularized, self-care doesn’t have to break the bank or require elaborate planning, although there’s absolutely nothing wrong with exotic spa pampering or a staycation in an exclusive resort if one can afford the fund and the time.

Here are 5 simple daily self-care tips for the homeschooling Mama who needs to fill her cup

  1. Quiet mornings: Waking up before the whole household wakes up is a very great way to enjoy a quiet time, a slow morning, and some spiritual self-care. This time is very precious to me and I guarded it jealously. The quietness soothes my nerves and helps me prepare mentally for a day of caring, talking, and teaching as a homeschooling Mum of two.
  2. Embrace the flexibility of homeschooling: Many homeschooling Mums forget to enjoy the freedom that this lifestyle offers. We get carried away and start implementing things because another homeschooling family is doing it. Then when it is not working for us, we stuck to it because we feel guilty about the money spent or that we are not doing enough. Homeschooling is a challenging adventure by itself, but it doesn’t have to stress you out every day. Choose a homeschooling philosophy that works for the dynamics of your family, and remember that it is ok to tweak plans, curriculums, etc in a way that leaves you less overwhelmed. It is not never about having the best homeschooling resources if you- The Mama Bear is not faring well. You are the heart of a beautiful homeschool experience. As much as I love the Montessori philosophy, I know that it will definitely overwhelm me due to the dynamics of my family, so I choose to go eclectic instead!
  3. Social media break: Comparison isn’t only the thief of joy, but also of time, money, and mental health. Comparing the realities of your home school to the perfectly curated ‘reels’ of other homeschoolers will only leave you depressed (that you are not doing enough), then you trying to measure up to such standard will further leave you overwhelmed. This is your homeschool, nobody knows your realities more than you. When you find yourself dealing with these feelings, you can take time off social media, unfollow any account that makes you feel less, and work on the health of your own heart. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and most importantly have a clear WHY + Mission statement to guide you through your homeschool journey.
  4. Noise-canceling headphones: Yes I said what I said! As a homeschooling, Mama who is mostly without a support system, wearing my noise-canceling headphones has been a way to be away from my children without physically leaving them. Children can be noisy, they love to chase each other and shout. I have sensory issues and noise triggers me a lot. My headphone saves me the stress of telling my children to keep quiet every time.
  5. Take your bath: This may sound a bit cliche but it isn’t. Bathing may simply be a form of personal hygiene for many people, however, for a homeschooling mother who is constantly in touch with her children, it could be more. It is easy to get sucked into our homeschool obligations and forget to take care of our bodies. For me, I now make sure I have my bath in the morning same as my children. I do my daily skincare routine, use nice perfume, and body sprays then dress up comfortably. This simple body care routine helps me go through my day as a homeschooling Mama feeling, smelling, and looking good.

Self-care tips for a homeschooling Mama are not exhaustive, how you choose to prioritize yourself can also depend on your personality and the dynamics of your family. These tips work great for me as an introverted homeschooling Mum. Whatever your personality is, just commit yourself to discover what will work best for you and fill your cups. You deserve it Mama, yes you do!

Do share your homeschool Mama self-care tips in the comment section below.