
3 Ways We Read Aloud in Our Home

The benefits of reading aloud to children cannot be overemphasized. It is often said by veteran homeschoolers that “if you don’t do other things with your child, just keep reading”

Here are a few benefits of reading aloud in your homeschool:

It helps foster a love of literature.
It takes the pressure off of reluctant readers.
It can help your child learn to focus better.
It can help enhance your children’s reading skills.
It encourages imagination.

Reading to my children is one of my favorite ways to bond with them, and I am often left feeling sad whenever I find myself being inconsistent with our routine.

Over time, I have been able to establish a read-aloud routine in our home that my children and I always look forward to.

Homeschool Read-Aloud: This is done during our structured homeschool hour when I read aloud a book based on whatever topic we may be learning at the time. I usually read for 10 to 15 mins on different subjects ranging from Sciences, Mathematics, Grammar, or Geography. Additionally, I also read aloud phonics storybooks to my little girl who is still learning to read.

Self Read-Aloud: Here my son is allowed to pick any book of his interest and read aloud to me for 10 – 15 minutes, while I correct his mistakes and he also gets to look up words he is not familiar with in the dictionary. This is done in the afternoon either during our homeschool hour or after.

Bedtime Read-Aloud: This read-aloud is done by me or using an audiobook at bedtime and it consists of three different books. A chapter book, a book on whatever we are learning that is related to our religion, and a prayer book. We often spend 30 minutes plus reading and it is been an amazing way to help my children calm down in bed.

Do share how you incorporate read-aloud in your home in the comment below.