As salam alykum! Hello!
Welcome to Living Outside The Box, where I hope to inspire Stay-at-Home Moms (SAHM), new Homeschoolers, and Autism Mamas with the power of storytelling.
The first time I experienced the power of storytelling was in my year five at the University. A group of young ladies including myself had gathered that night to gist and one conversation led to another causing one of us to reveal something she had been intimately struggling with but was ashamed to speak out for fear of being misunderstood and judged. After she spoke, the rest of us began to share our experiences and we were all kind of shocked to realize that we were all dealing with the same issue but we all individually assumed that we are alone in our struggles. That night, we parted ways feeling emancipated and lighter.
What we didn’t know at the time was that, when someone found the courage to be vulnerable, she gave the rest of us a voice to speak our truth whether privately or publicly.
Years later, I was able to use storytelling as a tool in my healing journey. Listening to the story of those who had chosen to be vulnerable with me filled me with hope, light, and the willingness not to give up on myself. It was a big relief to be understood.
Over the years, as my brand evolved, one thing has remained constant; that is storytelling.
The foundation of all I hope to do here is to tell my story in a way that gives others the courage to live outside the box but within the boundaries set by Allah because it is only His opinion of us that matters.
I hope that I am able to empower your mind one content at a time and help you see that you are indeed the HEART of your home.
Read my story of becoming a SAHM here and you can also scroll down to learn about my services or read more here.
Yours on this journey to becoming,